A few years ago Halloween night came around and I remember everyone getting ready for the parties and texting me and asking if I was coming. The thought came to my mind.."You can go and just enjoy everyone's company, you don't have to participate in anything. Just have fun, it's harmless." Then I got a text from my best friend saying. "Do you want to come over to my house and we can make caramel apples and watch Hocus Pocus together?"
"Which should I choose?" I thought.
I felt like the cartoon character with the little angel on one shoulder and the little devil on the other.
I knew what the right decision was in this situation.
I knew that staying with my best friend would be the safest option and is what Heavenly Father would want me to do.
But yet, that little devil was still on my shoulder saying "No, go to the party, you wouldn't want to upset all of your friends by not going."
Ladies, we all have values. Sometimes they are a little lower than we should set them but we all should have some. I know what it's like to be faced with the desicion between what you want to choose and something that you should choose. I know how influencial friends can be. I am the biggest people pleaser in this world, and I know that it's hard.
You need to stand up for what you believe in! I got myself into a whole bunch of situations that I would have never been in if I would have stood up for what my values were. I did, with the help of Heavenly Father, choose to spend that Halloween night with my best friend watching Hocus Pocus and making caramel apples. Did I feel like I was 10 again? ABSOLUTELY! However, it was so much more fun and fulfilling being there with her and doing something worthwhile rather than living with the regret of going to that party.
You may not have had the specific situation I had but you have had one similar. Whether it be deciding to uphold your standards of modesty, of clean language, or of appropriate music and movies. What every it may be, we all go through decision making every day.
Whatever your struggle BE STRONG and
Regarless of who is convincing you to do something. I have lots of family that believe differently than me but I have to be firm in what I know and in my values. It doesn't mean I don't love them because they don't decide to follow
the path I follow, I still love them the same, I just
CHOOSE to walk a different path.
Someone who loves me so much always left me saying REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
So, Who are you? What do you want to stand for?
An Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ said:
"O, youth of the noble birthright, make your decision here tonight: “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded” (1 Ne. 3:7). There is power in His way. There is no greater joy in this life than to be found in His service. I bear you my solemn testimony that a decision to live according to His law will bring you life eternal."
My volleyball coach always asked me,
What legacy do you want to leave?
I invite you to ask yourself that same question the next time that you face a challenging decision that will determine the legacy you leave. Do we have the moral courage to stand firm for our beliefs, even if by so doing we must stand alone?
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